Wednesday 26 April 2023 |
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Highlights |
Welcome |
Welcome to the April edition of Graduate Shout Out, your monthly newsletter, keeping you up to date with all the latest news, opportunities, and events. This month we share with you Inaugural lectures, the Graduate Outcomes survey, graduate jobs and more!
Don’t forget to follow us on social media to stay up to date with even more great alumni content from the University of Chester.
Graduate Outcomes survey |
Your graduate voice is powerful. We want to hear it.
If you completed your course between November 2021 and January 2022 you should have received your Graduate Outcomes survey by email recently.
What’s been the next chapter of your Chester story? Graduate Outcomes is your chance to tell us what you have been doing since leaving the University, whether this is employment, further study, self-employment, setting up your own business, or something totally different. Even if you have come back on a new course, we would still love to hear from you. It’s also an opportunity to say how your course prepared you for what you’re doing now and for your future career plans.
It’s really important we get as many responses as possible. Your response will help the University and your department to evaluate the course you took, for the benefit of current and future students.
If you are unable to be reached by email, you will then be contacted by phone. However, it’s much quicker and easier doing it online. You have until the end of May 2023 to complete it.
If you have new contact details to help us with this, please let us know by emailing graduateoutcomes@chester.ac.uk, so we can make sure your graduate voice is heard.
If you haven’t received your Graduate Outcomes survey, let us know via the above email address.
Work Based Learning - what was your experience? |
On Monday 24th April hundreds of University of Chester second year students embarked on their five-week long placements for Work Based Learning. As a recent graduate you may remember your first days in a new workplace. If you have any interesting tales to tell of your experience please do get in touch with wbl@chester.ac.uk or find more information here.
We want to hear from you! |
As a recent graduate, our current students want to hear from you!...Your experience can be invaluable in helping to shape theirs!
This month we want to ask you for all your best tips regarding staying on track with your studies. Let us know how you handled keeping track of your studies, did you form a study group? Schedule time each week? Share with us your best tips or anything else you wish you had known as a student!
Email us at alumni@chester.ac.uk with your tips and tricks.
Armed Forces Day – Flag raising ceremony |
To acknowledge Armed Forces Week 2023, the University of Chester is holding a flag raising event to mark the occasion on 20th June at 11am. This is an open invitation event, and we welcome everyone to join with the University in coming together to show our continued support for the people who make up the Armed Forces Community.
Showing support provides a much-needed morale boost for currently serving troops, Service families, veterans and cadets, we have members of these groups amongst staff and students at the University.
Everyone is welcome to attend this short event whether you have a connection to the Armed Forces Community or not.
Venture Pitch 2023 |
If you have a business idea, an early-stage business or you're launching your freelance career, why not take part in our Venture Pitch 2023 enterprise competition?
- Monday 12 and Tuesday 13 June
- Open to undergraduates, postgraduates and graduates of the University of Chester
- Book on to the event, fill in this application form and send us a 500-word business summary and 60 second video pitch to venture@chester.ac.uk.
- Closing date for applications: 12pm on Friday 12 May
You could win your share of £5,000 courtesy of Santander Universities UK and business prizes valued at over £11,000 include a website, business coaching, an iPad, social media coaching, videography package, office space, enterprise grants and more!
This event is part of our Venture Programme which is designed to support aspiring entrepreneurs, business owners and freelancers.
If you’ve not yet got involved with Venture and need to build up the 12 hours of support you need to apply, there are plenty of opportunities to do so! You can find all upcoming events here. You can also access recorded Venture sessions and webinars here, covering everything from branding on a budget, social media for business, cashflow forecasting to designing a website.
After each video, you will need to complete the Video Evaluation Form which can be found here.
Contact us: Email your questions to venture@chester.ac.uk. If you would like to speak to one of us about the event or the Venture Programme more generally, we hold Venture Chats over the telephone, Microsoft Teams or in person.
Graduate Jobs |
Here are some excellent graduate opportunities from our Careers and Employability service. Follow these links to find out more and to apply -
To look for other graduate vacancies or training schemes, just search here.
Inaugural Lectures |
Join us on Thursday 27th April for Professor Hannah Bacon’s inaugural lecture:
- Fat, ‘Syn’ and Sausage Rolls! Feminist theology troubling the ‘gospel truth’ about fat
- Anna Sutton Building 017, Exton Park
- The lecture starts at 6.30pm (tea and coffee will be served from 6pm)
- Email events@chester.ac.uk to book.
- Click here for more info
This inaugural lecture looks at how one UK secular commercial weight loss organisation recycles the Christian nomenclature of ‘Syn’ to speak about food and considers how critical reflection on women’s lived experiences of slimming might resource a Christian response. Using the experiences of slimming women as a starting point, Hannah considers how Christian thought might resource distinctly Christian speech about fat and encourage Christian communities towards ‘embodied alternatives’ in their foodways.
Join us on Tuesday 16th May for Professor Melissa Fegan’s inaugural lecture:
- How to Survive a Famine: Lessons from Irish Literature
- Anna Sutton Building 017, Exton Park
- The lecture starts at 6.30pm (tea and coffee will be served from 6pm)
- Email events@chester.ac.uk to book.
- Click here for more info
This lecture will consider the ways Irish literature, often drawing on folklore and historical accounts, has represented Famine survivors and the stratagems to which they were driven, including emigration, reliance on charity, stealing, sex-work, rioting, land-grabbing, abandoning family, friends or neighbours, religious conversion, murder and cannibalism. It will also reflect on the parallels drawn with other survivors, past and present.
A Public Lecture by Dr Anna Ploszajski – Handmade: Why Science Needs Craft |
- Tuesday 16th May
- 6.30pm
- Wheeler CRV139
- Book now
Materials science is the study of the stuff that makes up the world around us – metals, plastics,ceramics and glasses. We apply theories and formulae to understand how the behaviour of atoms and molecules gives rise to properties like strength, stretchiness, magnetism and transparency. But this scientific side of materials is just one side of the story.
Join materials scientist-turned-storyteller Dr Anna Ploszajski to hear what science can learn from the world of craft. We’ll cover how the historic divide between the arts and the sciences came about; the lessons we can all learn from getting our hands dirty; and how collaboration between the arts and the sciences is going to be crucial if we are to solve humanity’s biggest challenges.
Anxiety-free news: Shortlisting success for University Catering team |
The University’s Catering team has been shortlisted for a major national award thanks to its commitment to sustainability.
It has reached the finals in the University Catering Award category in the Public Sector Catering Awards for its innovative approach to reducing waste across University sites.
The Awards aim to celebrate individuals and teams that work within the industry. They are open to individuals, teams, companies and organisations including contract caterers operating in a public sector environment.
The University has been recognised for its innovative and sustainable reusable cup scheme which has substantially reduced the number of disposable cups used across its sites.The reusable cup project was developed to find a solution to the number of disposable cups used. The ‘drop and swap’ scheme sees customers pay a deposit of £2 to cover the cost of any cups that are lost or damaged. They are given a reusable cup which they can bring back to any University catering outlet where they then receive a replacement and the original is washed and put back into circulation.
Wellbeing Tip of the month |
Managing Stress – There are many stressors in our lives and, if you are feeling stressed, the first thing to do is to try and identify the cause or causes. Avoid turning to unhealthy ways of coping such as alcohol or caffeine; instead look at positive and healthy ways of managing your stress like getting organised, being active and connecting with others. Check out this Every Mind Matters video about managing stress.
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